Benefits of Prescribed Burns in Wisconsin
Monday, April 10, 2023 • Land Management • By: Anne Larson

Benefits of Prescribed Burns in Wisconsin

Stimulates Growth
Spring burning helps to remove dead plant material, which makes it easier for sunlight to reach the soil surface. This warms the soil and stimulates the growth of native grasses and wildflowers.
Reduces Invasive Species
Many invasive plants and trees are less tolerant of fire than native species. By burning in the spring, the invasive plants that have germinated or started to grow are targeted, while native plants, which are generally more resilient to fire, can recover more quickly.
Enhances Habitat Diversity
Fire creates a mosaic of habitats with varying successional stages, which promotes biodiversity by providing a range of niches for different species of plants and animals.
Nutrient Cycling
Burning releases nutrients that were locked up in dead plant material and makes them available to new plants, promoting a more productive ecosystem.
Pest Control
Fire can help control certain pests and diseases by killing off overwintering insects, larvae, and pathogens.
Maintenance of Fire-Adapted Species
Some plant species, such as certain grasses and wildflowers, have evolved to depend on periodic fires to thrive. Spring burns help maintain these fire-adapted species in the ecosystem.
Are you seeking information on how to conduct a prescribed burn on your property?
Quercus Land Stewardship Services is a local company equipped to help you with your prescribed burn or any questions about safely preparing to do your burn. Controlled burns can pose risks to human safety and property if not managed properly. Proper timing, weather conditions, and safety precautions are all essential considerations when conducting a prescribed burn. Quercus is a wealth of knowledge and an excellent resource for land management needs.